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تجاوز إلى المحتوى الرئيسي

Training Course on Advanced Technologies in Ceramic Coatings for Engineering Applications

College of Engineering – building 3, 2nd floor – Room 2C71.
Dr Mushtaq Dar
تاريخ بداية الفعالية
تاريخ نهاية الفعالية
وقت بدء الفعالية

The training course brought together diverse participants, including students and faculty members, promoting a collaborative learning environment that enriched discussions on advanced ceramic coatings for energy applications. As a result, participants successfully developed a comprehensive understanding of surface structure and composition, enhanced their ability to tailor surface properties through strategic modifications and coatings, and gained valuable insights into current industrial surface protection practices. This course broadened their technical expertise and empowered them to apply these advancements in practical energy applications.

The training course brought together diverse participants, including students and faculty members, promoting a collaborative learning environment that enriched discussions on advanced ceramic coatings for energy applications. As a result, participants successfully developed a comprehensive understanding of surface structure and composition, enhanced their ability to tailor surface properties through strategic modifications and coatings, and gained valuable insights into current industrial surface protection practices. This course broadened their technical expertise and empowered them to apply these advancements in practical energy applications.


وقت انتهاء الفعالية
تاريخ آخر تحديث : فبراير 18, 2025 11:41ص